Megawatt-hours to Kilowatt-hours Converter

Megawatt-hours to Kilowatt-hours Converter

Megawatt-hours to Kilowatt-hours Converter

Kilowatt-hours (kWh):

Usage Instructions:

Objective: Convert energy from megawatt-hours (MWh) to kilowatt-hours (kWh).


  1. Enter Megawatt-hours: Input the energy value in megawatt-hours (MWh).
  2. Click "Convert to kWh": Press the button to convert the value to kilowatt-hours.
  3. View the Result: The converted energy in kilowatt-hours (kWh) will be displayed below.

To convert megawatt-hours (MWh) to kilowatt-hours (kWh), you need to know that 1 megawatt-hour is equal to 1,000 kilowatt-hours.

Conversion Formula

Kilowatt-hours (kWh) = Megawatt-hours (MWh) × 1,000

Example Conversions

Here’s how you can use the formula with some example values:

Megawatt-hours (MWh) Formula Kilowatt-hours (kWh)
1 MWh 1 × 1,000 1,000 kWh
5 MWh 5 × 1,000 5,000 kWh
10 MWh 10 × 1,000 10,000 kWh
50 MWh 50 × 1,000 50,000 kWh
100 MWh 100 × 1,000 100,000 kWh

How to Convert MWh to kWh

  1. Identify the Value in Megawatt-hours (MWh): For example, 8 MWh.
  2. Apply the Conversion Formula:
    • Multiply the number of megawatt-hours by 1,000.
    • For 8 MWh:
      • Calculation: 8 × 1,000 = 8,000 kWh.

Practical Uses

  • Energy Billing: Electric utility companies often bill large consumers in MWh, but kWh is a more common unit for smaller users.
  • Power Generation: Converting large-scale energy production in power plants into kWh for easier comparison.


To convert megawatt-hours to kilowatt-hours, multiply the number of MWh by 1,000. For example, 1 MWh equals 1,000 kWh, and 50 MWh equals 50,000 kWh. This is a simple and commonly used conversion in energy measurement.