Gallons to Liters Converter

Gallons to Liters Converter

Gallons to Liters Converter

Volume in Liters:

Usage Instructions:

Objective: Convert volume from gallons to liters.


  1. Enter Gallons: Input the volume in gallons (gal).
  2. Click "Convert to Liters": Press the button to convert gallons to liters.
  3. View Result: The converted volume in liters will be displayed below.

To convert gallons (gal) to liters (L), you can use the following conversion factor:

1 gallon (US) = 3.78541 liters
1 gallon (UK) = 4.54609 liters

Conversion Formula

For US Gallons:

L = gal × 3.78541

For UK Gallons:

L = gal × 4.54609

Example Conversions

Here are some examples to illustrate the conversion for both US and UK gallons:

Gallons (gal) Formula (US) Liters (L) (US) Formula (UK) Liters (L) (UK)
1 gal 1 × 3.78541 3.78541 L 1 × 4.54609 4.54609 L
5 gal 5 × 3.78541 18.92705 L 5 × 4.54609 22.73045 L
10 gal 10 × 3.78541 37.8541 L 10 × 4.54609 45.4609 L
20 gal 20 × 3.78541 75.7082 L 20 × 4.54609 90.918 L
15 gal 15 × 3.78541 56.78115 L 15 × 4.54609 68.19135 L

How to Convert gal to L

  1. Identify the Value in Gallons: For example, 8 gallons (US).
  2. Apply the Conversion Formula:
    • For US gallons: Multiply the number of gallons by 3.78541.
    • For 8 gallons (US):
      • Calculation: 8 × 3.78541 = 30.28328 liters (US)
    • For UK gallons: Multiply the number of gallons by 4.54609.
    • For 8 gallons (UK):
      • Calculation: 8 × 4.54609 = 36.36872 liters (UK)

Practical Uses

  • Cooking and Baking: Converts recipe measurements from gallons to liters.
  • Fuel Measurement: Helps in converting fuel quantities for vehicles or machinery.
  • Scientific Calculations: Useful in laboratory settings where precise volume measurements are required.


To convert gallons to liters, multiply the number of gallons by 3.78541 for US gallons or by 4.54609 for UK gallons. For example, 10 US gallons is approximately 37.8541 liters, while 10 UK gallons is about 45.4609 liters. This conversion is useful for accurate measurement in various applications.

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