Percentage Calculator

Rule of Three Calculator

Rule of Three Calculator

Usage Instructions:

Objective: Calculate the unknown value X based on the Rule of Three, where Value A corresponds to Value B, and Value C corresponds to X.


  1. Enter Value A: Input the first known value (A).
  2. Enter Value B: Input the second known value (B) that corresponds to A.
  3. Enter Value C: Input the known value (C) that corresponds to X.
  4. Click the "Calculate X" Button: After entering all values, click the "Calculate X" button to get the unknown value X.
  5. View the Result: The calculated value X will be displayed in the results section.


Calculating percentages is a fundamental skill used in various situations, from financial planning to academic performance. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to calculate percentages:

How to Calculate Percentages

  1. Understand the Basics:
    • A percentage represents a fraction out of 100. For example, 25% means 25 out of 100.
  2. Basic Percentage Calculations:
    • Finding the Percentage of a Number:
      • Formula: Percentage = (Part / Whole) × 100
      • Example: To find 20% of 150:
        • Calculation: (20 / 100) × 150 = 30
    • Finding What Percentage One Number Is of Another:
      • Formula: Percentage = (Part / Whole) × 100
      • Example: To find what percentage 30 is of 150:
        • Calculation: (30 / 150) × 100 = 20%
    • Finding the Total from a Percentage:
      • Formula: Total = Part / (Percentage / 100)
      • Example: If 40 is 25% of a number, find the total:
        • Calculation: 40 / (25 / 100) = 160
    • Calculating Percentage Increase or Decrease:
      • Formula for Increase: Percentage Increase = ((New Value – Old Value) / Old Value) × 100
      • Formula for Decrease: Percentage Decrease = ((Old Value – New Value) / Old Value) × 100
      • Example of Increase: If a value increases from 80 to 100:
        • Calculation: ((100 – 80) / 80) × 100 = 25% increase
      • Example of Decrease: If a value decreases from 200 to 150:
        • Calculation: ((200 – 150) / 200) × 100 = 25% decrease

Quick Reference Table

Here’s a table showing some common percentage calculations:

Percentage (%) Of 200 Of 500 Of 1000
10% 20 50 100
25% 50 125 250
50% 100 250 500
75% 150 375 750

Percentage Calculation Examples

1. Finding 15% of 300

  • Formula: (15 / 100) × 300
  • Calculation: 0.15 × 300 = 45

2. Finding What Percentage 60 is of 200

  • Formula: (60 / 200) × 100
  • Calculation: 0.30 × 100 = 30%

3. Finding the Total from 50% being 200

  • Formula: 200 / (50 / 100)
  • Calculation: 200 / 0.50 = 400

4. Calculating a 20% Increase from 150

  • Formula: ((150 + (20 / 100 × 150))
  • Calculation: 150 + 30 = 180

5. Calculating a 10% Decrease from 500

  • Formula: 500 – (10 / 100 × 500)
  • Calculation: 500 – 50 = 450

Why Calculate Percentages?

  • Budgeting and Finance: Helps in calculating discounts, interest rates, and financial performance.
  • Academic Performance: Assists in determining grades and understanding performance metrics.
  • Daily Decisions: Useful for making informed choices based on proportions and comparisons.