BMI Calculator – Body mass index

BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator

Usage Instructions:

Objective: Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) and see if it's in a healthy range.


  1. Enter Weight: Input your weight in kilograms.
  2. Enter Height: Input your height in meters.
  3. Click the "Calculate BMI" Button: After entering your weight and height, click the "Calculate BMI" button to get your BMI.
  4. View the Result: Your calculated BMI and health status will be displayed in the results section.


The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple tool used to estimate a person’s body fat based on their weight and height. It helps assess whether an individual is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to calculate and interpret BMI:

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

BMI is a numerical value derived from an individual’s weight and height. It provides a general indication of body fat but doesn’t directly measure it.

How to Calculate BMI

  1. Formula:
    • Metric Units: BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m)²
    • Imperial Units: BMI = (Weight (lb) / Height (in)²) × 703
  2. Steps to Calculate BMI:
    • Metric Units:
      1. Measure weight in kilograms (kg).
      2. Measure height in meters (m).
      3. Square the height (height × height).
      4. Divide the weight by the squared height.
    • Imperial Units:
      1. Measure weight in pounds (lb).
      2. Measure height in inches (in).
      3. Square the height (height × height).
      4. Divide the weight by the squared height.
      5. Multiply the result by 703.

Example Calculations

1. Metric Units

  • Example: A person weighs 70 kg and is 1.75 meters tall.
    • Calculation:
      • Height squared: 1.75 × 1.75 = 3.0625
      • BMI = 70 / 3.0625 ≈ 22.9

2. Imperial Units

  • Example: A person weighs 154 lbs and is 65 inches tall.
    • Calculation:
      • Height squared: 65 × 65 = 4225
      • BMI = (154 / 4225) × 703 ≈ 25.7

BMI Categories

  • Underweight: BMI < 18.5
  • Normal Weight: BMI 18.5 – 24.9
  • Overweight: BMI 25 – 29.9
  • Obesity: BMI ≥ 30

Quick Reference Table

Here’s a table with BMI values for various weights and heights:

Weight (kg) Height (m) BMI
50 1.60 19.5
60 1.70 20.8
70 1.80 21.6
80 1.85 23.4
90 1.90 24.9
Weight (lb) Height (in) BMI
110 64 19.3
130 66 21.0
150 68 22.8
170 70 24.4
190 72 26.2

Why Use BMI?

  • Health Assessment: Provides a quick and easy way to gauge body fat and assess risk for health conditions.
  • Tracking: Useful for monitoring changes in body composition over time.
  • Screening Tool: Helps identify individuals who may benefit from further assessment or intervention.

Limitations of BMI

  • Doesn’t Measure Body Fat Directly: BMI doesn’t distinguish between muscle and fat, so a person with high muscle mass might be categorized as overweight or obese.
  • Doesn’t Consider Distribution: BMI doesn’t account for where fat is distributed in the body.
  • Varies by Age and Sex: Different age groups and sexes may have different interpretations of BMI categories.