Milliliters to Milligrams Converter

Milliliters to Milligrams Converter

Milliliters to Milligrams Converter

Milligrams (mg):

Usage Instructions:

Objective: Convert milliliters to milligrams based on the density of the substance.


  1. Enter Milliliters: Input the volume in milliliters.
  2. Enter Density: Input the substance density in g/mL (for water, use 1 g/mL).
  3. Click "Convert to mg": Press the button to calculate the mass in milligrams.
  4. View the Result: The converted mass in milligrams will be displayed in the result box.

Note: The density value is required for the conversion.

To convert milliliters (mL) to milligrams (mg), you need to know the density of the substance you’re working with. Milliliters measure volume, while milligrams measure mass, and the conversion depends on the substance’s density.

General Formula

The formula to convert milliliters to milligrams is:

Milligrams (mg) = Milliliters (mL) × (Density (g/mL) × 1000)

  • Density is the mass per unit volume of a substance, typically in grams per milliliter (g/mL). Since milligrams are a smaller unit of mass than grams, you need to convert the density to match.

Example Conversion: Water

For water, the density is approximately 1 g/mL, which is equivalent to 1000 mg/mL.

For water: 1 mL = 1000 mg

Example Conversions for Water:

Milliliters (mL) Formula Milligrams (mg)
1 mL 1 × (1000) 1000 mg
50 mL 50 × (1000) 50,000 mg
100 mL 100 × (1000) 100,000 mg
250 mL 250 × (1000) 250,000 mg

Example Conversion: Substance with a Different Density

For other substances, the density will differ. For example, if a substance has a density of 0.8 g/mL, which is equivalent to 800 mg/mL:

Conversion Example for a Substance with 0.8 g/mL Density:

  • Milliliters: 100 mL
  • Density: 0.8 g/mL or 800 mg/mL
  • Formula: 100 × 800 = 80,000 mg

Example Table for a Substance with 0.8 g/mL Density:

Milliliters (mL) Formula Milligrams (mg)
100 mL 100 × 800 80,000 mg
200 mL 200 × 800 160,000 mg
500 mL 500 × 800 400,000 mg

How to Convert mL to mg

  1. Identify the Volume in Milliliters: For example, 150 mL.
  2. Determine the Density of the Substance: For example, for olive oil with a density of 0.92 g/mL (or 920 mg/mL).
  3. Apply the Conversion Formula:
    • Multiply the volume (mL) by the density (mg/mL).
    • For olive oil:
      • Calculation: 150 × 920 = 138,000 mg.

Practical Uses

  • Medicine: Converting volumes of liquid medications into milligrams for precise dosage.
  • Chemistry: Measuring mass from volume for substances with known densities.
  • Cooking: Converting liquid ingredients to mass when recipes require specific measurements.